Michael Miller

Michael is the CEO of VPN Online, one of the fastest-growing media companies in the cyber-security space. VPN Online was started in 2019 after Michael consulted with many Fortune 500 companies and saw the lack of understanding about cybersecurity many of their employees had.

My Cybersecurity Experience

I’ve been entrenched into cybersecurity for most of my career. I have an undergraduate and Master’s degree in Computer Science. I specialized in corporate cybersecurity and privacy, which led me to start a career managing the IT infrastructure for Fortune 500 companies.

Through my tenure at these companies, I realized that the companies I work for have large staff managing their data privacy and cybersecurity, but what about the individual person? Who is helping them secure their data?

This is why I started VPNOnline.com in 2019. My team and I perform rigorous reviews of VPN services to come up with metrics to help consumers decide the best VPN for their needs.

My goal is to ensure each individual consumer understands cybersecurity and is deploying the right tools and services to protect themselves.

Here’s what I do to strengthen my online security:

  • Using a VPN on all devices consistently 24/7
  • Ensure I always use a VPN when on public Wi-Fi networks
  • Running malware checks on my computer frequently
  • Use password manager tools and use unique passwords for each website
Recent Articles by Michael
VPN pour les débutants
VPN pour les débutants VPN pour les débutants - que faut-il savoir exactement ? Un VPN est une méthode utilisée pour ajouter de la sécurité et de la confidentialité aux réseaux privés et publics, comme les points d'accès WiFi et l'Internet. Les VPN sont le plus souvent utilisés par les entreprises pour protéger les données […]
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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VPN voor beginners
VPN voor beginners VPN voor beginners - wat moet je precies weten? Een VPN is een methode om veiligheid en privacy toe te voegen aan private en openbare netwerken, zoals WiFi-hotspots en het internet. VPN's worden meestal gebruikt door bedrijven om gevoelige gegevens te beschermen. Het gebruik van een persoonlijke VPN wordt echter steeds populairder […]
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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VPN para principiantes
VPN para principiantes VPN para principiantes - o que precisas de saber exatamente? Uma VPN é um método usado para adicionar segurança e privacidade a redes privadas e públicas, como Hotspots WiFi e a Internet. As VPNs são mais frequentemente usadas por empresas para proteger dados confidenciais. No entanto, o uso de uma VPN pessoal […]
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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VPN per principianti
VPN per principianti VPN per principianti: cosa devi sapere esattamente? Una VPN è un metodo utilizzato per aggiungere sicurezza e privacy alle reti private e pubbliche, come gli hotspot WiFi e Internet. Le VPN sono spesso utilizzate dalle aziende per proteggere i dati sensibili. Tuttavia, l'utilizzo di una VPN personale sta diventando sempre più popolare, […]
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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初学者的 VPN - 你到底需要了解什么?VPN 最常用于企业保护敏感数据。不过,随着以前面对面的交流转移到互联网上,个人 VPN 的使用也越来越普遍。
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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初心者のためのVPN - 正確に何を知る必要がある?VPNは、機密データを保護するために企業で最も一般的に使用されている。VPNは、機密データを保護するために企業で最も一般的に使用されている。しかし、以前は対面で行っていた交流がインターネットに移行するにつれ、個人的なVPNの使用はますます一般的になってきている。
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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Watch RB Leipzig vs. Man City for free
Once again, RB is meeting Manchester City in the premier class, promising to be another highlight. You can watch the Champions League group game 2023 RB Leipzig vs. Man City for free on ServusTV Austria and other international Free-TV channels. A robust VPN like NordVPN* or CyberGhost* (Price Tip) allows you to connect to a […]
By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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VPN для початківців
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By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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VPN для начинающих
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By: Michael Miller
Last Update: September 28, 2023
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