The Imola Grand Prix, also known as the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix, will be held for the 4th time this year. This is due to the fact that this race was previously known as the San Marino Grand Prix. In 2023, the Imola Grand Prix will take place in the middle of May. This GP will be held after the Miami Grand Prix. And after Italy - Imola there will be Monaco GP in Monte Carlo.
Imola Grand Prix: This year the Imola GP (Imola Grand Prix), also known as the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix, is back on the Formula One racing calendar. Many of you remember the track as the San Marino Grand Prix. Back then, each country was only allowed to host one Formula One race, so without further ado, the race was assigned to the dwarf state of San Marino. The small state, which is surrounded by Italy, is located between Emilia-Romana and the Marches.
Not far from the track of the Autodromo Imola, only about 80 km away, is Maranello, the Scuderia headquarters. That's why this Grand Prix is also called Ferrari's home race.
Nowadays, the track where Formula 1 has been held again since 2020 bears the name Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari. Until 2006, it was still run as the San Marino Grand Prix. After that, it was dropped from the Formula One calendar due to its outdated nature.
For a long time, this track was considered one of the most dangerous in the Formula One circus. This was due in no small part to the fact that in 1994 Formula One world champion Ayrton Senna and, a day earlier, Roland Ratzenberger were killed in accidents on this very track.
The Tamburello and Tosa corners of the Autodromo Dino e Enzo Ferrari are spectacular and were later somewhat defused over the years due to the many accidents. In addition, there are the two challenging chicanes called Variante Alta and Variante Bassa. With new chicanes in the Tamburello and Tosa curves and defusing of the Variante Alta as well as the Variante Bassa, the track has become considerably safer. Since 2020, this circuit is now back on the Formula One calendar on a regular basis as the Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix.
The Autodromo Dino e Enzo Ferrari, is one of the tracks that are driven counterclockwise. It extends over a lap length of 4.909 km and includes 17 turns. The entire race covers a distance of 309.049 km and includes 63 laps. The lap record is held by Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) with a measured time of 1:15.484.
Emilia-Romagna is a region in Italy that has something for everyone. Whether you want to enjoy the delights of Italian cuisine, explore the unique nature or ancient ruins, the possibilities are many. The Emilia-Romagna region is known for a variety of attractions and features:
Imola Grand Prix: Did you know that you can watch all Formula 1 races on live stream for free. All you need is stable internet with a minimum transfer rate of 5 Mbps and a reliable VPN (Virtual Private Network).